MDFI Foundation Handgun - August 5, 2024
The Godspeed team decided to take on the MDFI Foundation Handgun course this past weekend hosted at the Black Creek Range & Training center in Mount Pleasant, MI.
We can not recommend taking a MDFI course enough, solid crew of instructors, courses available for all skill levels, absolutely zero egos involved, and a very positive environment to develop and hone in solid firearm fundamentals. We look forward to continuing to take more MDFI courses in the future.
Learn more and sign up for a class at
We each downloaded our thoughts and takeaways from this Foundation Handgun course:
Favorite part of the course:
Getting to shoot with the team and watch people click with ideas.
Take away tips from the course:
Taking shots the moment the gun reaches extension. Also noticed the slower I go, the worse I do.... I am speed, I require speed to function.
Follow up items to drill:
Draw and shoot the moment of extension on a USPSA target and see where and how consistent my hits are. Speed up as I can
Overall thoughts:
Very informative and fun staff. Trek and his crew are the best I've ever seen. I can't wait to get into more specific classes and learn more and push myself to improve. Beyond excited to do the same foundation class for carbine and shotgun.
Favorite part of the course:
The atmosphere in general was my favorite part of the class, side from shooting and doing the drills obviously. Really fun environment but extremely safe. Great group of guys and great teachers made the class so much more enjoyable and fun to learn.
Take away tips from the course:
The Pinky!!!! Applying pressure with the pinky of your strong hand pulling the gun down to pick up your red dot faster. Definitely helped when I thought about it and implemented it. Also, efficiency is more important than speed. If you are 100% perfect efficient and deliberate with every movement the speed naturally comes.
Follow up items to drill:
Definitely going to run the drill back of break the shot right at full extension and not hesitating. That drill was difficult and is for sure something I am going to work on in both life fire and dry fire.
Overall thoughts:
I'm hooked! That was my first formal training class and I couldn't be happier with how it went. The cadre were great teachers and just great people in general to be around. I can't wait to take more classes and continue to learn.
Favorite part of the course:
Getting a lot of live fire reps with different techniques taught and figuring out what works best for me and my setup.
Take away tips from the course:
Practice extension from position 3 to 4 for a consistent sight picture (red dot in center) along with establishing a perfect firing hand grip from the holster to assist in that consistency (leads to accuracy).
Follow up items to drill:
From a CCW standpoint, practice the draw to presentation. Reloads and malfunctions clearing are also notable items to practice and gain proficiency in with CCW (translates to the semi-auto handgun platform as a whole). Start "slow mo perfection" and speed it up.
Overall thoughts:
I loved the class and it took YSINTG to the next level. Excited to continue to practice all these learnings and move into the advanced courses.
Favorite part of the course:
Getting to see our whole group improve throughout the class, picking up on little tips as we went that made large improvements.
Take away tips from the course:
Have very regularly struggled from not having my dot on target at full extended draw, apparently the slightest pull of your support hand pinky on the gun puts that dot right where it needs to be, fixing the biggest frustration I've been having with shooting with one small adjustment.
Follow up items to drill:
Make the pinky pressure consistent for acquiring the dot, and have sights and trigger ready to go as the gun is getting to full extended draw and pulling the trigger as that happens.
Overall thoughts:
I'm all in, the MDFI cadre is incredibly solid, great guys, instruction was very informative. Very well thought out progression through the curriculum of the course where each instructed and drilled item built into the next and allowed each rep throughout the day to build on top of what you had previously learned. Very excited to take foundation carbine, shotgun, and whatever other classes we will end up taking.